Monday, 22 November 2010

Marwood Samples...

...arrived and well

The first set of Marwood samples have been completed. We collected the box this afternoon and revealed 60 samples - multiples of a dozen designs and colourways. Oooh what to choose as the final set.

Not long now until we can show you the final product folks.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Diamond Patterns

A snapshot taken from the Margiela exhibition held at Somerset House this summer.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Virtual Reality

Here is a great selection of images found in the book 'We Are The People'... a collection of postcards by Tom Phillips.
Such a fascinating and comical glimpse in to the past. A time when flying was an unattainable experience and going to an English seaside town would invite people to virtually experience it through these 3d contraptions. The serious poses, formal attire and commandeering expressions definitely gives a sense of importance to their activity! Classic.

Monday, 15 November 2010

A most recognisable shape

Although flat ended designs are becoming more common, it is the pointed tip shape of a necktie that we all know, love and immediately recognise. Marwood ties will honour this tradition.

The designing process of this product has been an interesting one. Having previously worked across most product ranges in Men's and Women's wear design, it has been a pleasure to focus so tightly on one product and give it our utmost attention.

Designing tailoring is all about an acute eye for detail and proportion. At a previous job at Ralph Lauren, it was an eye opener to see the experienced Senior Director of Purple Label notice the position of a ticket pocket was a few millimetres off spec. Once checked with a ruler, his guess was spot on. An eye for detail like that comes with experience, but concentrating on such a considered product like the neck tie is certainly solid training.

Deliberating over 0.5cm doesn't seem so crazy anymore.

Photo credit (from top) - Julien Bornet's photo of his friend's wedding, Spacial Reliefs (1960) by Helio Oiticia, 3rd photo credit to be posted asap.