Sunday, 30 September 2012

Logo spotting (via Claire de Rouen Books)

Cyprien Gaillard, Geographical Analogies

and hats...

Friday, 28 September 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Cherchbi

Happy Birthday Cherchbi! We went along last night to the beautiful brand's 5th birthday party and received this gorgeous keyring to mark the occasion. This is a brand that deserves a shop. The designer (Adam) pays such close attention to detail and the quality of the leather and make of the product is just impeccable. Marwood and Cherchbi share similar sensibilities which could just lead to something interesting in the future. More to report another time... 

Bow spotting.... and shoe envy.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Black or White Tie Event?

Having watched 'Downton Abbey' the other night there was a classic Maggie Smith line... 

"Oh I'm so sorry I thought you were a waiter"

She was referring to the Lord's attire of black bow tie instead of white. Apparently a big faux-pas for dress etiquette rules of those times. Having done some research there are rules about white and black tie outfitting and whilst rules can be good for these occasions it would be more interesting to see the fabrications played with. Keep it white or black but switch up the textures and fabrics involved. Exchange the satin black bow for a black mesh lace bow tie and the white for the the ecru mesh lace by Marwood. Small elements to change but why not?

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Wallpaper* Magazine - Best of UK

Thanks to Wallpaper* magazine for listing and shooting Marwood AW12 lace bow tie in their "Retail: Best of UK" feature. It is exciting for us to be listed amongst such great designers and product. Click here to see the online article - or you can just buy the magazine. 

If you would like to purchase the 'Stripe-Crest 
Lace Bow Tie' in ecru/navy shop here. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Friday, 14 September 2012

Marwood ties - now you can shop online!

Well, don't mind if I do... 
M A R W O O D   O N L I N E   S H O P   H A S   L A U N C H E D 

T E L L   Y O U R   F R I E N D S 

&   T E L L   U S   W H A T   Y O U   T H I N K

W E   H O P E   Y O U   F I N D   W H A T   
Y O U   A R E   L O O K I N G   F O R

W W W. M A R W O O D L O N D O N . C O . U K 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

It's all in the details...

F R I D A Y  1 4 T H   S E P T E M B E R   2 0 1 2 

All items come packaged in a hand made logo box.
For handy tips on keeping your tie boxed carefully
and your bow tie tied to perfection - see our online
guides by illustrator Sam Kerr. 

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Marwood shop in Covent Garden... for 2 weeks

Marwood pop-up shop launched on Thursday evening in Covent Garden. Dirty White Unicorn Events LTD launched YSC Best of British. The other designers involved are Baartmans & Siegel, Burtonwode, Coeur, Joseph Turvey, Opumo, Oscar Quiroz, P & Co, Richard Borges, Stuart Chapman and William Richard Green.

For the next two weeks the shop will be selling product from all listed designers (mainly new season). Call in if you are in the neighbourhood - or share with friends.

15 Shorts Garden 
Covent Garden